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Medical suites




Caringbah, NSW


Irwin Medical Developments

Design Team

Frank Stanisic

Jason Nowosad


Sturt Noble Associates


David Duloy Illustrations

The design concept for the project is a freestanding, tempered glass pavilion within a landscaped setting that provides a flexible framework for occupation as a health services facility. The external expression has been skilfully designed to accommodate a range of different tenancies while maintaining the integrity of the design. The design achieves a strong image as a ‘healthy building’.


The building character is further enhanced through the use of metal attachments (horizontal and vertical screens) and glass technology (clear, tinted, translucent and opaque glass and DGUs) that adjust to the existing and future neighbouring developments and respond to orientation.

The building is an articulated free-standing form that is seen-in-the-round with dual frontages to the Kingsway and Flide Street. It maintains a unified composition by adopting a ‘monkey grip’ form, where the opposing corners are the same.

An image of the 3D model of Kingsway by Stanisic Architects
Entry view of the Kingsway project by Stanisic Architects

The lightweight metal features, deep recesses and articulated front and side elevations are all important architectural devices that create an appropriate bulk and scale to the street that is clearly distinguished as a health service facility within an anticipated future mixed-use context.

The primary address for the site is to Kingsway which is marked by stone entry wall that has been angled to direct pedestrians to the entry lobby. The front setback zone contains endemic trees, sandstone block sculptures, steel structure supporting flowering native vines on the entry awning and an informal seating area at the entry.

A landscaped roof terrace is located at Level 5 containing raised island planters, artificial turf with sun chairs, picnic tables and steel shade structure with flowering vines. A metal palisade railing along the southern face of the roof terrace maximises views to Port Hacking.


(+61 2) 9358 2588


Level 10, 257 Clarence Street

 Sydney NSW 2000


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